Refusal To Breast Feed

Refusal To Breast Feed

An infant who is breastfed might occasionally unexpectedly

decide against refusing to breastfeed. The child will

throw his head from the breast after pulling away from it

to one side. This could occur at any time, therefore

There is just no way to foresee it happening.

Arguments for

It's possible for a baby to refuse to eat from the breast if the

Baby is suffering. Typically, this may result from an

ear infection, headache brought on by vacuum birth,

Baby mouth thrush or teething could be the cause.

Additionally, the use of dummies, teats, or nipple shields

assist in refusal. Some infants genuinely discover

feeding from the breast and a bottle is challenging because

Sucking is done in a very distinct way. some develop

It is always preferable to stay away from using

any kind of dummy or teats.

The milk can taste bitter at times. That may

if you are beginning or taking antibiotics,

nipple creams, or the middle of your period. If the

Milk feels bitter; often, your infant won't like it.

desire to feed.

Solving the problems

You should constantly strive to determine what could

then start treating whatever has caused the breast refusal.

the reason. Always be kind and patient with

your infant. Make careful to hold your infant close by.

so that he might suck the breast while they are skin to skin

He desires to do so that he may comprehend that

It's joyful and comfy to breastfeed.

Older infants may suddenly take fewer and shorter feedings.

breastfeeding, but this is sometimes acceptable with

a few infants. Consequently, it is always preferable to

Attempt to prolong the infant's feeding, but allow

The infant determines how frequently and for how long each

Individual meals will continue.

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